
Centre of Excellence NAMASTE join top-level scientists and industry R&D departments in order to accelerate the development of improved and new non-metallic materials, components and devices, new knowledge and technologies, advanced bio-materials in areas such as electronics, optoelectronics, photonics and medicine. More: About us
SCIENTIFIC - TECHNOLOGICAL - BUSINESS EXCELLENCE is aim of CO NAMASTE. According to foreign evaluator the great advantage of this centre is good balance between scientific and industrial R&D work achieved with an interdisciplinary approach and both-way transfer of knowledge.
Operation, the development of centre of excellence program, entitled Centre of excellence NAMASTE, Advanced Materials and Technologies for the Future (operations no. OP13., partly funded till 31 December 2013 by the European Union, namely by the European Regional Development Fund. The operation is carried out under the Operational programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials 2007-2013, development priority: Competitiveness of enterprises and research excellence, policy priorities: Improving the competitive abilities of enterprises and research excellence. The operation was partly financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, up to 85%. Slovenian co-financing share was 15%. By the decision of the Ministry CoE NAMASTE was selected in a public tender for the development of centres of excellence for the 2009-2013 period in sum 9.417.265,00 EUR. Contact person for the information about the operation: CoE director.
CO NAMASTE booklet, December 2013
CO NAMASTE booklet, December 2012
Luvitera's terahertz camera