
- Educell, 7. - 8.11.2011, Educell se udeleži delavnice Centra odličnosti NAMASTE
Več: Objava
- MVZT, »Mid-term Evaluation of the Centre of Excellence Advanced Materials and Technologies for the Future (CoE NAMASTE)«
Further: Publication
- Delo.si, 13.7.2011, »Do we dare to say NO to fireworks?«
Further: Publication
- FKKT, 6.6.2011, Izjemno obstojen kemijsko modificiran nanokatalizator morda že kmalu v komercialnih gorivnih celicah?
Further: Publication
- Glas znanosti, 24.5.2011, prof. Marija Kosec - Elektronska keramika za danes in jutri.
Further: Publication
- The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), 6.4.2011, »Discovery of New Ordered Structures of a Liquid Crystal- Skyrmion lattices in a system different from solids«
Further: Publication